School has started and you can feel the change in the air. Susie is now going to Westminster College and living on campus. She has struggled with leaving all her best friends at home, and is now making the most of the education experience and campus life. She is such a sweetheart and I miss her. Sometimes it is so quiet around here that I wonder if I should start talking to myself, but then I am afraid I might answer.
Funny Funny lady. Well life is moving on and I am moving into a new chapter of my life. I am doing more writing and who knows, maybe like my cousin, Linda Chadwick (my uncle Donald's daughter), I could be blessed to be published someday. I have several short stories and am now working on a longer one. I think I should take a couple of writing classes to just brush up a bit.
I have really de-junked and am still throwing stuff away. It is amazing how much one can accumulate over the 59+ years of their life. Now the job is to down size to only the things I really need, and keep throwing away everyday. One day there won't be much, and at that time I figure my life will be thoroughly used up and I will be done.
I have renters in the basement and so the house is not completely quiet and that is comforting at times. I am also working on my family history and have been appointment as a Family History Consultant in the ward. I am thrilled about that. In order to really spend the time I would like, writing, doing history work, and back to painting and drawing, I need income, so I still puddle around with my insurance business in hopes that I can make enough to live on each month.
The times that are really exciting are when I have my grand kids around and they come and stay overnight. Some times it can be hectic, but most of the time it is fun. I sure love them and I am glad they are close enough to come often.
Life can be a challenge and as I approach my 60th birthday, I am somewhat overwhelmed. There are days when I feel 15 years older, due to the pain and health situations. I heard a good saying from actress Jessica Tandy, She said, "Life can be very wonderful, but it always finds a way to beat the sh... out of you." isn't that the truth. It won't be long before I am bionic. Two new hips, toe joints, fused bones etc., etc., etc. It is a bit shakey knowing you are on the down hill of your mortal life. So my motto is to fully used up and I guess that would be physically and what ever else lies a head for me.
Right now life is pretty grand and every thing is going as it should, for I believe there are no accidents and things happen when and how they are suppose to happen. I do know this much, I am on the Lords errand and I must just do everything I can do each day to make things work just right. With summer over and fall in the air, it is fun to look forward to the holidays and the joy it brings.
Smile and everything will smile with you. Breath good deep breaths and enjoy the freshness of the air and let that oxygen bring you good health each day. Take the time to love yourself and meditate on the things of life and your journey in it and last but not the end, give hugs to everyone, because we are all in this game of life together and HE wants us all to come home with joy in our hearts.