Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Halloween Everyone

So what is it about Halloween that is so fun? Is the treats? The dressing up? Or is it the family getting together? Well to me, it is all of the above, but don't let me leave out the carving of the pumpkins. It is all fun and I have a lot of memories of Halloween, as a youngster myself, but I must say my fondest memories of Halloween are with my kids as they were growing up. All the different home-made costumes we had over the years and I have to say, I am a little sad this year, because my Halloween chest is gone. Some of the costumes we had were, a clown, baby bunny, and oh a Raisin, with the white gloves and big glasses too. King Cole, home-made spider-man, pirate, Dracula, and many others. Gone in the de-junking, and gone are a lot of memories for 20+ years of Halloween. Makes one sad to not have that old black trunk, so full of great fun memories. Halloween make-up and all the do-dads to finish the costume. I had a skeleton costume, where I had painted the white bones on a black one piece turtle-neck sweater. I had gotten black tights and painted the rest of the bones, down to the toes. The face was all painted, because the kids could never wear masks to school parties, so everything was painted on. By the time the night was done, the make-up had run to the point, that you could not tell what they started out as. By then, they were pretty scarey.

I remember when Jonathan and Christopher were around 2-4 and they were spider-men, but not red, they were blue. Blue tights and bodies, faces and red spider-man t-sheet. I painted their faces and hair blue and it was fun. I remember Jonathan just laughing as I rubbed the blue make-up on his face and neck. I found his tickle spot.

There is the year Christopher was Captain Hook and Jonathan was his Pirate buddy. Benjamin came along and was into the Ninja Turtles and got one of the first store bought costumes and dressed as a turtle. Now when the girls came along, we had princesses only some of the times. One year Sarah was dressed as Dracula and she was pretty scary, but cute. Susie and Sarah were always coming up with cute costumes and liked to follow their brothers.

Well, Halloween is special to me and is full of lots of memories. Every year, during conference week-end, I would get all kinds of Halloween ceramics and from early ages, I would gather my kids around and we would paint these decorations, while listening to conference. I have little pumpkins that have been painted so many times that I am sure they would never break. Each one of the kids learned to paint and some of them became pretty creative. So even though I do not have the costumes anymore, I do have all the ceramic painted pumpkins, ghosts, and globlins. I do have my memories and to do have lots of pictures, with that on my list of to-dos. To gather those pictures and the memories and put them into a book to preserve.

Halloween is alot of fun and this year was no different. We had our annual party, and thanks to Sarah and Dirk for letting us all meet at their beautiful home. For some reason or another, my living room has gotten little. Well I got a new couch with a hid-a-bed and it is bigger then my other couch. I felt alittle sad when I realized that space was limited, but really happy when Sarah offered to use her house. We had lots of good foods and a great time visiting with each other. I made mummy dogs, hot dogs wrapped to look like mummys. We had corn dogs and veggie dip with carrots poking out, looking like a witches hand coming up. Home-made root beer topped it off and it was alot of fun. Nicole hit our taste buds with her home-made baked beans and were they ever yummy.

Monica and Adam came with their kids, and my brother Ted, his wife Donna and their kids. It was just great to get together and visit. It's great to have the hollidays to be with family.

Enjoy the movie of my grandkids do the Monster Mash. Payton is the Dr., Jacob is Frankenstein, Mykenzie is the Bride of Frankenstein, Jaxon is Dracula and Jayden is the Warewolf. It is very fun and just topped off our Halloween party.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

School has started and you can feel the change in the air. Susie is now going to Westminster College and living on campus. She has struggled with leaving all her best friends at home, and is now making the most of the education experience and campus life. She is such a sweetheart and I miss her. Sometimes it is so quiet around here that I wonder if I should start talking to myself, but then I am afraid I might answer.

Funny Funny lady. Well life is moving on and I am moving into a new chapter of my life. I am doing more writing and who knows, maybe like my cousin, Linda Chadwick (my uncle Donald's daughter), I could be blessed to be published someday. I have several short stories and am now working on a longer one. I think I should take a couple of writing classes to just brush up a bit.

I have really de-junked and am still throwing stuff away. It is amazing how much one can accumulate over the 59+ years of their life. Now the job is to down size to only the things I really need, and keep throwing away everyday. One day there won't be much, and at that time I figure my life will be thoroughly used up and I will be done.

I have renters in the basement and so the house is not completely quiet and that is comforting at times. I am also working on my family history and have been appointment as a Family History Consultant in the ward. I am thrilled about that. In order to really spend the time I would like, writing, doing history work, and back to painting and drawing, I need income, so I still puddle around with my insurance business in hopes that I can make enough to live on each month.

The times that are really exciting are when I have my grand kids around and they come and stay overnight. Some times it can be hectic, but most of the time it is fun. I sure love them and I am glad they are close enough to come often.

Life can be a challenge and as I approach my 60th birthday, I am somewhat overwhelmed. There are days when I feel 15 years older, due to the pain and health situations. I heard a good saying from actress Jessica Tandy, She said, "Life can be very wonderful, but it always finds a way to beat the sh... out of you." isn't that the truth. It won't be long before I am bionic. Two new hips, toe joints, fused bones etc., etc., etc. It is a bit shakey knowing you are on the down hill of your mortal life. So my motto is to fully used up and I guess that would be physically and what ever else lies a head for me.

Right now life is pretty grand and every thing is going as it should, for I believe there are no accidents and things happen when and how they are suppose to happen. I do know this much, I am on the Lords errand and I must just do everything I can do each day to make things work just right. With summer over and fall in the air, it is fun to look forward to the holidays and the joy it brings.

Smile and everything will smile with you. Breath good deep breaths and enjoy the freshness of the air and let that oxygen bring you good health each day. Take the time to love yourself and meditate on the things of life and your journey in it and last but not the end, give hugs to everyone, because we are all in this game of life together and HE wants us all to come home with joy in our hearts.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Lewis Designs. That would be my daughter. You can email her at and tell her your comments. She is very good, course I am the Mother. But here is some of her work. Now to just get it out, so people will see it and want to buy it.


done in coloured pencil

Camaro done in Coloured Pencil
Sarah Lewis
of Lewis Designs
Happy Independence Day - July 4, 2009. It was the annual Cruisin and this was the first attempt for Lewis Designs, Sarah my most talented artist, to sell her work. She sold a few, but was not very successful at her first attempt. She is so good with her work, that I know there is a way for her to promote her work and sell it.
It was a sometime hot and sometime cool weekend, but the experience was really worth it. I enjoyed just people watching and wish I had not deleted the pictures of the passer-bys. Especially the gentleman that commented on what a "Beautiful Lady you are". That made my day.
You saw all shapes and sizes.
Susie is working, thinking about getting ready for School in August You heard me, just thinking, and has as of yet not even started to make a list or set things aside to take to school.
She is having boyfriend problems and with all the peer pressure, she just needs to set it all aside and look into her own heart and then make her decision. Everyone then needs to support what ever she decides to do.
Benjamin is dating and getting through that first date is sometimes hard. It takes the first date, to decide whether you want a second or third. This dating business is tough, but hey, it is even tougher for older ladies like me. The pickings are different and the choices are not so great. Now with Benjamin, he should be having fun and enjoying the journey, but that even gets old sometimes too soon. He is doing alot of fishing lately and having a good time.

Jonathan and Brittany are being such cute parents. Little Jacob is not little anymore. He is getting taller and bigger. Oh my what a cutie. Take a look=

I can not even touch the great information Nicole puts out on her blog, about my oldest son Christopher and my other grandkids. So you just have to check out her blog for updates and family pictures. See the link at bottom.

Well that is all the news for now. My toe has healed from surgery and I am back to getting rid of the junk in my life. I need to down size enough, so that if I wanted to move or do some traveling, I could without much to worry about. I am getting my basement ready to rent and hopefully will find a nice young couple to rent it. With the last of my kids moving on with their life, there is little now to hold me down, So I am beginning a new chapter in my life and such as life is, full of surprises, the journey should be very interesting to say the least.
Good day to all and here's hoping the summer heat doesn't catch you off guard.
Love ya all,
Mom, Granma, and what ever else I am to ya.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wow, I have not updated for along time, so I thought I should probably get started before time fly's by again.

Here we are almost into the summer of 2009 and alot is happening and has happened. So here is an updated picture of me and I must say my pictures are always pretty funny looking and Sarah and I just laugh at my lopsided smile. I am currently recovering from foot surgery, where I had a pin put in my second toe, to straighten it out. I figured while my feet still have circulation in them, I needed to get it done.

For the last few months, I have been filling out applications for scholarships and entrance fees for Susie for College. It has been very tense as she had to decide by May 1 where she wanted to go to school. She had taken it down to three choices, USU, Salt Lake Community College and Westminster College. She finally chose Westminster and will be working to get into their Nursing program. She wants to be a Nurse more then anything and they seem to have the best Nursing program and there is more one on one with the professors there.

I will be very sad when she moves down there as she is my last to leave home and yet I am so excited for her. She is so smart and has worked hard to reach her goals. This will be an exciting time in her life.

So life goes on and we both are starting new chapters in our lives.

I have to share Susie's pictures that Sarah just took. They are so cute and the thing that really surprised me is how much she looks like my mom, when she was about her age. Susie has her eyes and nose and is just pretty.

2009 is half over and our lives are ever changing. Sarah will have been married for one year in June, and she and Dirk are building their home. Her brother, Christopher drew up the plans and her Dad and brothers are building it. She still works at the bank, and is looking for the day when she can stay home and begin a family.

Benjamin is working for his Dad in Construction and enjoying his freedom. Jonathan and Brittany are having fun being parents to Jacob and doing life. Christohper and Nicole, are our inspiration. Nicole is the best at blogging and keeping up todate. I should take a lesson. So to get current news on them, just go to their blog. You will always find up to date details on my grandkids and happenings in their home.

I love all my children and I am so proud of them all. Life will move on and we all just keep growing into the changes. Isn't it just great to sit and wonder what we will grow into, tomorrow? Life is a great journey through time. The best of time and the worst of time, but when we all hang together and support each other then it makes it easier and more fun to grow into tomorrow.
Just watching my children move into their lives and make their way, warms my heart, because they are all so special and are all heading in the right direction.

Life is great and 2009 is the best of the best.