Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Summer is coming

Well June 1st will be here before you know it and Elder Benjamin C Anderson will be home. What a guy. He is told us that he has loved his mission and has really focused on what he was there to do. He said he was excited to come home, but it was weird, because he said, "I don't feel like its really going to come, it doesn't seem real. This is my life, a missionary! I guess the Lord is helping me stay focused!"

He says he feels great strength and power in who he has become.

Well we have been truly blessed to have him serve. I know the Lord has blessed me and it has been a blessing in my life to have him serve the Lord and make that 2 year sacrifice in his life. Benjamin has served in the Winnipeg Canada Mission and I am so proud of all three of my sons who served with honor and grew in stature and spirit for having done so.


Susie has just about completed her first year of high school and has made the Honorary Honor Roll. She competed in the SkyView Cross Country team and worked hard at doing the hurdles this year. She has done pretty good as you can see in her jumping.

Susie got her Driver's license in Dec 2006 and her Dad gave her a car, so she has been on cloud nine. She had her first formal dance in Febuary and wow, doesn't she look great. I will have to have Benjamin tie her up when he gets home, and beat off all the young men.

Susie's summer will be full as she is going to go to Bridgerland and take CNA classes and is looking for a part time job. So I may have to find someone to mow the lawns as she is off and running. Her life is pretty busy and I barely get to say hi and she is off again.


Sarah has been out of high school a year now and has completed one semister of classes at USU. She works everyday at the bank and keeps herself running and I might see her once or twice a day if I am lucky. I feel like we live in a girls dormatory and everyone is running except me. She is getting ready to send her boyfriend of 4 years off on a Mission. So that is a great sacrifice on both her and Dirk's part, to serve the Lord and work to be together 2 years later.
Sarah is going back to school at USU in the fall and is certainly not sure what she wants to do. She has thought about selling some of her art work and I think she could do real well, Take a look at some of her work.

These are just a few of the many pictures she has done. She works in pencil, and in prisma color pencils. The first picture is a Dodge Viber engine, done in color pencil, and the other two are pencil.

She is thinking about setting up a booth at the Cruise In this summer and seeing if she can sell some of her pictures. She is very good and I of course taught her all I know lol lol lol. She could make some money selling her pics at the Cruise IN. She has several of cars and if she were to take some pictures of old model cars, and draw them, she could possibly make some good money on the side.


Christopher has his own blog and everyone should visit it, and see the cute pictures of the kids.

These are my cute grandkids, Jaxon age 4, Mykenzie age 3, and Jayden is 9 months. They were expecting in Dec. and had a miscarriage and that was very sad for all of us.

Their blog site is It is fun to have these updates and see how the kids grow.


Jonathan and Brittany are expecting in October and that is exciting for them. They have a cat and now a puppy, a Dalmation. It won't be a puppy for long. Pretty soon it will be a big dog, but for now it is really cute.


Well that is all the news up to date. As for me, I am headed to surgery again. My right hip is just about gone. I am told it won't last 6 months, so I am going in next month, June to have a total hip replacement. Then it probably won't be long after that, I will need my Right knee done and then my left knee. I am falling apart and I am too young for all this. Financially, well I have bumpy roads ahead and that is the scarey part. For at least a year or so. In any case, I am a survivor and some how things will be okay. Not sure how, but they will be.

God bless everyone for now. Enjoy life, we only go around once.

Stay tune for family history updates. Anyone out there working on Genealogy idea?
